3 Tactics for B2B Marketing in the Age of COVID-19

Brand Samosa
3 min readApr 21, 2021


As the “new normal” came into being, so has the “new marketing.” This is the consequence of the global pandemic of coronavirus we all are facing. B2B marketers need to shift and adapt their strategies by using new tactics to cope up with the new challenges. COVID-19 has changed certainly most of the things around us and it has also changed the marketing.

Consumer’s media habits have been changed and all the marketers have pushed their advertising towards digital media. In person meetings have been replaced by virtual meetings. And adaptability to these circumstances have been considered as the most valuable aspect for the marketers.

Due to these shifts, the B2B audience has overnight shifted to digital media and that is why our strategic approach should shift as well. We Brand Samosa, Top B2B Lead Generation Agency in India understand these challenges and have mentioned 3 ways how COVID-19 has disrupted our everyday work. And have mentioned possible solutions for marketers to make things smooth for their fellow customers.

Challenge #1: Data insights will be very important for decision making

It is no secret that it is very important for B2B marketers to prove ROI through solid analytics and data. It is very important for marketers to prove the worth of every new campaign.

1.Implement a strategy that scales easily based on your business’s needs

It is time for marketers to focus on agility and adaptability like never before. This means, they have to repurpose every piece of content that has been successful into as many new formats as possible. As, this not be the right time to adapt something new which can potentially harm business reputation.

2.Regularly measure against the KPIs for every new program launch

These will not be the same as the pre COVID times as the time has changed. Choosing the right KPI will allow you to show the value of your efforts and also understand your target audience better.

Challenge #2 Meetings will remain virtual for a significant amount of time

The work from home has been mandated by many companies that means a lot of virtual. As a marketer we have this opportunity to help our marketing team, sales team, customer solutions and other members to make virtual meetings as productive as face to face meetings.

1.Determine and execute best practices for virtual meetings

Start by establishing a guide for these practices for everyone to follow. Like including more obvious things like dressing up appropriately and less obvious things like muting yourself when someone else is speaking. This will help your organization look polished as possible.

2.Help your sales team to use the virtual meeting software tools to full potential.

Many video conferencing platforms like zoom have in built polls, break rooms and other features that can be effectively used. As a marketer you can recommend some ways to your sales team to use these in order to engage with their customers.

Challenge #3 Prospects will do more in-depth research online before reaching out to you.

1.Create compelling content to engage with your prospects.

The more research prospects do about you, the less they are likely to interface with your sales team. That is why you have to keep your online presence updated with online reviews, case studies, educational and valuable content for good brand impression.

2.Make sure you have an easy to find, user friendly interface

You must keep your website up to date with your current information. You want your prospects to have an user friendly experience to grasp your brand information correctly. That is why you need to optimize all your digital content and make sure it is easily accessible from all devices.

These are just a few ways through which you can overcome these new marketing challenges that are certainly going to stay with us for a long time. So, we need to start implementing these solutions to overcome these challenges.



Brand Samosa

Helping B2B Businesses & SMEs to Grow Their Revenue using Marketing Automation & Lead Generation